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Discover your family history and start your family tree. Try FREE and access billions of genealogy records!

Ancestry United States Quick Overview

Ancestry, the global leader in family history and consumer genomics, harnesses the information found in family trees, historical records, and DNA to help people gain a new level of understanding about their lives.

Ancestry host the world’s largest online collection of family history records and currently manage about 10 petabytes of structured and unstructured data, including billions of records detailing births, marriages, deaths, military service, and immigration.

Ancestry United States Opportunities Overview

Ancestry helps you understand your genealogy.
A family tree takes you back generations—the world’s largest collection of online records makes it possible.

- Search for ancestors across 20+ billion historical records, photos, gravestone images, stories
- Discover your genetic ethnicity, and make connections with living relatives
- Receive new automated discoveries about your ancestors; their life stories, their actual family photos, where they came from, languages they spoke, how they made a living and more
- Preserve you and your family’s information (photos, stories, life events, and more) in a single location so it can be preserved for generations to come
- Share your discoveries and collaborate with friends and family