Prioritize your mental health and connect with licensed counselor from the safety of your home with BetterHelp!
BetterHelp changes the way people get help to conquer life's challenges.
Facing obstacles alone can be daunting. Support and guidance from a professional counselor has been shown to make big changes. We created BetterHelp so anyone can have convenient, discreet, and affordable access to professional help.
BetterHelp is the world’s largest counseling service. We connect people who face life's challenges with a provider from our broad network of licensed, accredited, and board-certified therapists.
Every month, consumers and therapists use our website and mobile app to facilitate millions of secured messages, chats, voice calls, and video sessions. Our mission is to provide everyone with an easy, affordable, and private access to professional counseling, anytime, anywhere.
BetterHelp makes professional counseling available anytime, anywhere, through a computer, tablet or smartphone. They are changing the way people get help with facing life's challenges by providing convenient, discreet and affordable access to a licensed therapist.
- Get matched to an available counselor who fits your objectives, preferences, and the type of issues you are dealing with. Different counselors have different approaches and areas of focus, so it's important to find the right person who can achieve the best results for you.
- Counselors have been qualified and certified by their state's professional board after successfully completing the necessary education, exams, training and practice. They all possess at least 3 years and 1,000 hours of hands-on experience.
- Unlimited private one on one communication with your therapist
- Flexible communication: Messaging, Chat, Phone, Video
- Schedule live sessions with your counselor or use the secure messenger anytime from anywhere.
- Gain access to constructive, educational group webinars