

Rated 4.8 stars out of 5
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Collaborate and create amazing graphic design for FREE with Canva!

Canva Worldwide Quick Overview

Canva is a tool that makes it possible to design anything and publish anywhere. With its user-friendly drag and drop tool and thousands of customizable templates, over 400 million designs from more than 10 million users across 179 countries have been created with Canva so far.

Canva is available in 100 languages and can be accessed in desktop browsers and mobile apps. This makes Canva accessible to practically everyone with Internet connection.

Canva Worldwide Opportunities Overview

With Canva, you can easily create beautiful documents & designs for any occasion and purpose. From social media posts to presentations, you can browse more than 65,000 editable templates or you can start from scratch if you’re feeling adventurous.

Canva also makes it easy for you to access millions of stock images, illustrations, icons and fonts inside the app. Their media library content is available for use in all your designs.

You can also:

- Store, organize and edit your images in a breeze
- Customize your templates and share them with your team to edit
- Publish your designs anywhere to reach your audience


Web yang bagus dan mudah untuk desain grafis

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 4.75 stars out of 5
Ruth Suci Stefany
3 years ago
“Canva merupakan web yang sangat berguna untuk desain grafis tanpa perlu menginstalnya. Canva juga bisa digunakan bagi semua jenis smartphone dengan akses yang mudah juga dapat digunakan gratis. Didalam canva juga terdapat tools yang bisa langsung kita gunakan tanpa perlu mendesignnya, jadi mempermudah pengguna baru apalagi yang baru belajar mendesign.”

Most Social and Convenient App to Edit Templates

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Joseph Irvin Camposo
2 years ago
“Canva is the best app to find different templates to edit. It also provides you various elements, text styles and fonts, and photos that you can insert to your work. The best thing about this app is that you can invite your friends, family, groupmates, and co-workers to edit your work via online. In this way, you can have fun with your co-workers who can lighten up the weight of your work.”


Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Erdwin Gunanto
2 years ago
“I am a university students and Canva has been a life-saver. From designing logo, presentation template, brochure until making portfolio. My professor always said how dedicated I am with my project and it is all thanks to Canva.”

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