Discover Cars is a leader in online car rental reservations; we compare car rental deals from many companies so that you can choose which is best for your trip.
Founded on July 16, 2013 as Discover Car Hire, our company has come to serve locations around the world by working with both renowned international rental companies and trusted local companies.
We now offer all types of cars from more than 500 partners across more than 10,000 destinations throughout the world including one-way rentals.
Use Discover Cars comparison engine to book the perfect vehicle at the best price. Choose from over 10,000 locations in 137 countries!
Many other websites hide fees and extra costs from you. Discover Cars includes all mandatory fees, taxes, and extras in the quoted price so there won’t be any surprises when you arrive at the rental desk.
Key differentiation:
- No Hidden Fees
- 24/7 Multilingual Customer Service
- Free cancellation
- Information You Can Trust
Why are our prices lower? Since we negotiate prices for many rental cars at a time directly with the car rental companies, we are able to secure lower prices for our customers.