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Browse safely, privately, and access content worldwide with HideMyAss.

HideMyAss Worldwide Quick Overview

HMA VPN is the premier VPN and proxy service the #1 service of this kind in the world. Since 2005. HMA is now the world's favorite VPN!

Founded by Jack Cator back in 2005, on a random afternoon when he decided to build a web proxy website as a way to get round his school firewalls (as you do), he quickly discovered a huge number of people out there were after exactly what he’d built. Including us, when we bought it from him.

Things have escalated somewhat since then.

HideMyAss Worldwide Opportunities Overview

Try HMA VPN risk-FREE:

- With 30-day money back guarantee
- Enjoy speedy 20Gbps proxy servers & unlimited bandwidth
- Certified No Log VPN ensures you have perfect privacy
- New Kill Switch, Speed Test, and IP refresh features
- Severs in 280+ locations
- MA works on PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux & routers.
- FREE 7 days trial