HPB I Quit 28-Day Countdown

HPB I Quit 28-Day Countdown

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Protect your health and those around you. A smoke-free you is just 28 days away, take action now! Quit smoking with ‘I Quit Programme’ and get $50 eVouchers!

HPB I Quit 28-Day Countdown Singapore Quick Overview

In 1986, the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP), a comprehensive long-term programme for smoking control spearheaded by the Ministry of Health, was launched with the theme "Towards a Nation of Non-Smokers".

A National Smoking Control Co-ordinating Committee chaired by MOH was set up in 1996 to formulate policies, co-ordinate activities and monitor the NTCP. The Committee comprises representatives from eight government ministries, the trade unions and private sector employers.

In 2001, the Health Promotion Board was formed to oversee and coordinate health promotion programmes, including the NTCP, in Singapore.

Aim of Programme
The NTCP aims to reduce smoking prevalence in Singapore through the following measures:
- Preventing the initiation of smoking among young people
- Educating, motivating and assisting smokers to quit smoking
- Promoting a climate conducive for non-smokers to remain free from the harmful effects of environmental tobacco

HPB I Quit 28-Day Countdown Singapore Opportunities Overview

Stay smoke-free for 28 days and you're 5 times more likely to quit for good.

Many smokers consider smoking cessation and the journey towards being smoke-free a daunting prospect. This perception is a significant barrier which leads to 52 per cent of smokers delaying their intention to quit smoking.

HPB introduced the “Let’s Quit: The 28-Day Countdown” as part of its I Quit 2013 campaign. The 28-Day Countdown is based on findings that smokers who stay smoke-free for 28 days are five times more likely to succeed for good.

The 28-Day Countdown helps smokers to break down quitting into actionable steps to empower smokers with the knowledge and support to remain smoke-free through the crucial period of 28 days.

Quit smoking with ‘I Quit Programme’ and get $50 eVouchers on the 28th day. Keep going and you’ll also receive eVouchers worth $30 and $20 at the 3rd month and 6th month marks respectively!

Get started today!