Meet people, make friends, find support, grow a business, and explore your interests on Meetup. Free registration. 52 million+ members. 300000+ Meetup groups. 100000+ Meetup events per week.
Meetup is the original social media platform dedicated to fostering human connections. Meetup’s app and website helps you find, build, and engage with your local community in a way that leads to meaningful, real-life connections.
Anyone can organize a Meetup group or attend Meetup events in almost any topic, language or activity across personal and professional interests.
Whatever you’re looking to do this year, Meetup can help. For 20 years, people have turned to Meetup to meet people, make friends, find support, grow a business, and explore their interests. Thousands of events are happening every day—join the fun.
How Meetup Works:
Here’s how we’re impacting communities in 193 countries and 10,000 cities worldwide.
✔ Join a group
Do what you love, meet others who love it, find your community. The rest is history!
✔ Find an event
Events are happening on just about any topic you can think of, from online gaming and photography to yoga and hiking.
✔ Start a group
You don’t have to be an expert to gather people together and explore shared interests.
Meet new people who share your interests through online and in-person events. It’s free to create an account.
What makes Meetup different?
Meetup builds long-lasting, high-quality communities. Meeting face to face and discussing shared interests and topics makes it easier to find common ground with others thus helping to create positive, human connections.
What are the emotional and social benefits of using Meetup?
A study conducted by ImpactED at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that Meetup improves emotional and social connections.
Three out of four people reported that Meetup has made their life better, and eight out of ten say they feel more connected to others.
Across all key indicators, the ImpactED study showed that Meetup is making a positive life impact on its members. In fact, there is a clear relationship between the frequency of using Meetup and the positive impact Meetup members experienced, particularly for those who kept meeting amongst the same group.
The study reported results from a survey that was taken by 5,443 Meetup members and organizers, the people who attend Meetup events, and those who plan and host Meetup events, respectively.
The findings for Meetup members revealed:
-80% of people who go to Meetup events feel more connected to others.
-90% of those who joined to learn something new increased their knowledge and/or skills.
-80% of people who go to Meetup events feel more connected to others.
The findings for Meetup organizers revealed:
-89% of organizers reported an increased ability to impact the lives of others.
-74% of organizers say Meetup has made their life better.
-78% of organizers reported an increased impact on their self-confidence.
Join Meetup for free today!
20 years of friendships: join the fun! Start a group today for 3 months free!