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Make wise money decisions easily and confidently with the 1st bionic financial adviser in Singapore. MAS-licensed. Unbiased, non commissioned-based advisers. Secure platform.

MoneyOwl Singapore Quick Overview

MoneyOwl is a financial adviser and fund management company licensed by the MAS. We aim to empower you to live life to the fullest by helping you make wise money decisions easily and confidently.

We are Singapore’s 1st Bionic Financial Adviser! To be Bionic means to have the best of both worlds – humans and technology. Technology integrates complex financial models into your financial plan with ease and precision. But we understand that money is very personal and involves emotions, aspirations and life decisions. That’s why both our dedicated client advisers and our technology platforms come together to journey with you in every stage of your life.

We provide a one-stop service platform that is everything you need to develop a fit-for-purpose financial plan. Incorporating national schemes such as CPF, we provide comprehensive, competent and conflict-free financial advice and fund management services in support of your plan.

MoneyOwl is a social enterprise and a joint venture between NTUC Enterprise Co-operative Limited and Providend Holding Private Limited.

Get reliable and competent financial advice on comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, insurance, investment and wills on MoneyOwl. We exist to serve you!

MoneyOwl Singapore Opportunities Overview

Why MoneyOwl:
We provide financial advice that is comprehensive, competent and conflict-free, using solutions that are fit-for-purpose so that you can be empowered to live a fulfilling life.

✔ MAS-licensed
MoneyOwl is a financial adviser and fund management company licensed by the MAS. Inheriting our DNA to Do Good and Do Right from our two corporate parents, NTUC Enterprise and Providend, we hold ourselves to the highest of standards to put your interests first. The key leaders of MoneyOwl have a wealth of experience in comprehensive financial planning and fund management so you can be assured of receiving the most competent advice.

✔ High-tech + Human wisdom
Leverage MoneyOwl’s advanced technology and receive advice from our dedicated Client Advisers. This is what we mean by Bionic – integrating technology with human wisdom to help you achieve your goals.

✔ Non commissioned-based Advisers
MoneyOwl’s advisers are salaried-based and are not remunerated by commissions. There is no incentive to hard-sell or to promote products that reward with higher commissions. Our focus is on helping you make wise money decisions in your best interests.

✔ Integration with National Schemes
National schemes like our CPF are often ignored when it comes to financial planning in Singapore. Despite CPF playing such a large role in retirement planning, there is insufficient understanding of the scheme and an absence of advice in this key area. Integrating our advice with national schemes, you can now consolidate all your financial information, craft a comprehensive financial plan and achieve a more secure retirement.

✔ Secure Platform
Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell or refer your personal information to a third party. MoneyOwl’s platform is built by an experienced technology team led by our very own Chief Technology Officer, undergoes rigorous penetration testing and meets technology risk management guidelines by MAS to ensure highest security and data protection.