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moneysense Singapore Quick Overview

MoneySense is Singapore’s national financial education programme, started in 2003. Our aim is to help Singaporeans to manage their money well, and make sound financial decisions on their own.

MoneySense programmes are overseen by the MoneySense Council. The Council is co-chaired by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Ministry of Manpower, and comprises representatives from various government agencies.

MoneySense is spearheaded by the public-sector Financial Education Steering Committee (FESC). It comprises representatives from the Ministry of Social and Family Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Manpower, Central Provident Fund Board, Monetary Authority of Singapore, National Library Board and People's Association.

MoneySense programme covers 3 tiers of financial literacy:

Tier I - Basic Money Management - which covers skills in budgeting and saving, and provides tips on the responsible use of credit;

Tier II - Financial Planning - to equip Singaporeans with the skills and knowledge to plan for their long-term financial needs;

Tier III - Investment Know-How - which imparts knowledge about the different investment products and skills for investing.

moneysense Singapore Opportunities Overview

We try to make money matters simple and intuitive for all Singaporeans. Our programmes and resources are:

Practical – There is something to help everyone – whether it is with everyday financial decisions or longer term planning.

Unbiased – We give objective information so that everyone can decide for themselves what works and what doesn’t.

Relevant – We break things down on the latest developments relating to personal finance so that you can act promptly.

In practical terms, we want to help Singaporeans:
- Have the skills and knowledge to weigh their options in financial matters
- Know their rights and responsibilities in financial decisions
- Make informed decisions when it comes to personal finances
- Plan well for their future