Earn money or gift cards by taking online surveys and make a difference anonymously by expressing your opinion.
On MonoSurveys.com, you are able to make a difference anonymously by expressing your opinion through participating in various surveys.
You have a genuine opportunity to make a difference in a fun way by participating in surveys. You can make yourself heard. You encounter well-known brands in your everyday life. These brands want to hear your opinion. In return for your participation, you will always be rewarded for your time when participating in surveys.
We will always let you know beforehand how long the survey will take. We will always let you know the reward amount for participation right away. Your privacy will be 100% protected. Your details will always remain completely anonymous, and your answers can never be linked to you. Your personal information is only needed when we are looking for suitable participants for the surveys. This information will not be disclosed to any third parties.
The MonoSurveys service is provided by the Finnish market research company Liidimedia Oy.
By taking part in Monosurveys, you will earn money for answering questions and surveys. Furthermore, you will get a chance to express your opinion about interesting topics and get your opinion featured in the news.
Participation is always completely free. You will always be rewarded when participating in surveys. The reward amount depends e.g. on the length of the survey. Taking a survey usually takes 5 to 20 minutes, and the reward amount is generally between 0.40 and 4 euros.
It’s this easy to start making money by participating in surveys on MonoSurveys.com, get started today!