“It is not what you think it's still a fun game but it is like it was taken from a website and could have been better if just more work was put into the style but it still feels like it has lots of potential”
“Aplikasi yang bagus sangat fun sekali cocok buat santai dan menghabiskan waktu luang, Sangat recommended banget sih dan juga sangat mudah digunakan cocok untuk anak anak juga, buruan install dan nikmati permainannya dan rasakan keseruannya”
“Games yang paling baik, klo bisa ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi, takutnya nnti ada bug yang masuk, danuntuk server sudah optimal jadi kita sebagai game player memainkan hames tersebut denvan asyik tanpa adanya hambatan”
“Aplikasi ini sangat recomended sekali untuk diunduh karena sangat mudah dimainkan dan dengan waktu yang singkat kita dapat mengerti dan memahami cara pengoperasian aplikasi ini. Dapat dimainkan pada usia anak-anak sampai dewasa”
“I played this game/app on my nephew's phone several times lately, the game is entertaining and a good way to pass time. The graphic is okay, game phase is exciting over all I recommend this game, it is enjoyable.”
“This game is very funny, and make me relax, i really enjoyed this game, graphics, music, game systems, it make me always stick with my phone. If you love chibi game, You have to try it for sure, this is my favorite mobile game now”
“I think that this game so good and fun if it was played. This game have cute and adorable characters. and then you can upgrade your gun be more overpower and more easy to collect money. overall it game worth to try and you guys must play this game. you will not regret!!!!!”