OLX Auto (Indonesia) Reviews

OLX Auto

OLX Auto

Rated 4.8 stars out of 5
31 reviews

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Easy to register
Mobile device friendly
Overall experience
Worth to try

First apps comes to my mind about Automotive online market

Excellent Opportunity!
Rated 4.25 stars out of 5
Yurike Novialana
2 days ago
“I am a user of OLX, it leads me to OLX Auto. definetly i installed.

Beginning of this year, 2025. Since I was thinking about Rent or Buy a Car, my mind goes to OLX Auto. Until, today I still use it. It was few time in a month, but recently I use it 3-4 times a day.

its an Easy to use the apps. Especially the way to connect between Seller and Buyer, are great. Dislike about this Apps is almost nothing but the pop up advertising. I love it so far

Everybody should Try at least once. B'cause it works.

Date of this experience: 2025-01-06”
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Aplikasinya Sangat mudah di gunakan dan ringan

Excellent Opportunity!
Rated 4.25 stars out of 5
Randy Tegar Pamungkas
2 years ago
“mudah di gunakan tampilan menarik dan ringan jadi buat dipakai di hp apa saja bisa,untuk orang tua yang gaptek juga gampang untuk menggunakannya terlebih lagi di olx autos ini cari mobil apa saja ada jadi ga ribet”

Most user friendly app

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Satria Sethya
2 years ago
“Easy to sign up and make account,
They very helpful when we want to sale or buy a car. Good condition and good price.
If we want to find some car, new or second hand, we can find anything we want. And so many price”

Aplikasi sangat bagus

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Ernanda Wahyu Tama
3 years ago
“OLX Auto sangat membantu saya dalam mencari mobil. Anda hanya perlu download aplikasi dan registrasi pilihan mobil sudah ada digenggaman. Kualitas dijelaskan dengan rinci. Sangat membantu bagi saya yang tidak punya waktu untuk mengunjungi showroom mobil.”

Layak dicoba

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 4.75 stars out of 5
indah gunapriya
3 years ago
“Dengan menggunakan applikasi ini, mempermudah saya untuk mencari dan menemukan mobil dengan harga dan kondisi yang diinginkan. Penggunaannya pun ga sulit.
Mulai dari proses registrasi yang sangat mudah , kemudian penggunaan di hp pun sangat user friendly. Applikasinya tidak membingungkan saya yang sangat awal dengan teknologi.”

Jual Mobil

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 4.75 stars out of 5
masyitoh inayati
3 years ago
“Coba deh download bermanfaat buat kamu yang mau jual mobil dan gak usah bayar untuk iklan karna diaplikasi ini mudah banget diakses. bisa langsung ke website atau aplikasi. banyak orang yang mencari barang bekas atau baru di olx jadi peluang terjual juga cepat. kekurangannya fiturnya kurang nyaman aja dipakai dan kadang kurang update. tetep rekomendasi”

Recommended App

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Ham Bintang
3 years ago
“Olx auto is the most easy selling or buying app , everybody can use it easily , overall to get in to the fiture is easy. You can get good instant benefit from this app by selling your car or something”

Most user friendly application

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Victorius David
3 years ago
“This application is very easy to use and understand for its users. We can buy and sell cars wherever we are, with guaranteed guarantees and money back if they don't fit. but it rarely happens because of the efficiency in checking the overall quality of the car.”

Aplikasi yg mudah di gunakan buat mobil impian

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 4.75 stars out of 5
Sura Suradi
3 years ago
“Banyak barang bagus yg bisa di jadikan rekomendasi buat nyari mobil impian,buat kalian ini aplikasi pokoknya is the best dan wajib di coba
Pokoknya kalian g bakal nyesel nyari mobil impian kalian murah dan banyak pilihan
Setidaknya di jaman sekarang ini kalian g perlu ke show room,cukup dari rumah buat browsing
Dari sini kita bisa lihat lihat dulu”
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Benefits with OLX Autos

Superb Opportunity!
Rated 4.75 stars out of 5
Ariq Fadilah
3 years ago
“Actually it's not me who uses this application, but my father. He used around 2019 to buy a used car. After selling his old car, he wants to buy a used car and confused where to look. After finding OLX Autos, he was so happy because he had so many choices. Until finally he found a car with a suitable price.”