“Because so many users its really easy to find buyer or seller. Fast and easy to use. Really help me to sell my car when I need it to be sold. They also helped me on find the good prices for my car, so I have range on the car price.”
“Olx auto is easy to use, both to buyer and seller. It is a trustworthy application too and many people use it. It is easy to do search things you needed and easy to display your sell items. The only thing need to improve is the menu display and overall webpages.”
“olx auto sangat membantu di masa pandemi sekarang, untuk menjual aset kita sperti mobil, dan kita penjual tidak di susahkan karena sudah ada kolom pilihan sperti harga, merk, tahun keluaran kapan, dan lokasi keberadaan mobil di mana”
“So use this application to sell my car and it work wonderful it sold fast and with a very reasonable price, the process was easy both parties the seller and buyer were satisfied because of this thank you”
Aplikasi web pencari otomotif paling simple, mudah, dan praktis
Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Yulianti Lestari
3 years ago
Aplikasi web pencari otomotif paling simple, mudah, dan praktis
“Saya menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk mengetahui harga mobil yang ingin saya beli, dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini saya dapat dengan mudahnya mengetahui range harga mobil yang saya cari dan terjamin keamanannya.”
Bagus sekali, sangat mudah menemukan informasi mengenai harga mobil . Harga variatif dan sangat membantu sekali
Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Made Tias pujiastuti
3 years ago
Bagus sekali, sangat mudah menemukan informasi mengenai harga mobil . Harga variatif dan sangat membantu sekali
“Dewasa ini teknologi sudah semakin canggih, sudah sepatutnya kita memanfaatkannya dengan baik, misalnya hanya dengan menggunakan website, kita sudah tau hrga mobil tanpa harus keliling untuk bertanya. Apalagi masa pandemi begini.”
“I use OLX Auto to search my favorite cars, with this app I can find many choices and there are very professional car condition inspection services that really help determine which car to buy. with this i can buy my favorite car.”
“By using the services of OLX Auto, it is easier to find the used car wherever you want. Find the desired used car easily and at a reasonable price. Just like they said, really buy a car instantly and guaranteed safety.”
Aplikasi nya sangat bermanfaat sekali, kita terbntu untuk cari2 mobil yg cocok
Superb Opportunity!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
Asep Yusuf
3 years ago
Aplikasi nya sangat bermanfaat sekali, kita terbntu untuk cari2 mobil yg cocok
“Saya gampang sekali menemukan mobil pilihan yg saya cari & harga nya relatif murah pokonya aplikasi nya sangat cocok untuk jmn sekarang d era digital kita jadi gk perlu repot harus kluar rmh mncri2 cukup d olx auto ssja udh lgkp fitur pencarian nya”
“I use OLX Auto to search for used cars, with this app I can find many choices of used cars besides that there are very professional car condition inspection services that really help determine which car to buy”